In today’s fast-paced battery production landscape, where ambitious goals for scalability and data ownership are at the forefront, understanding the critical role of testing and data analytics is paramount.
Discover the challenges faced in achieving ambitious battery pack and module production goals and how to overcome them. Learn how to harness the power of the NI Platform’s capabilities and gain a competitive advantage through a total cost of ownership perspective. Explore the transformative potential of data analytics in optimizing production, reducing costs, and mitigating risks.
Join us to unlock the key insights and strategies that will drive your battery production efficiency to new heights, ensuring your place at the forefront of this electrifying industry.
Key takeaways
- Identify key challenges and industry trends for battery module and pack production
- Learn about assembly quality assurance through electrical verification test techniques
- Get insights to leverage data analytics for battery production.
This webinar will be hosted by CHARGED on Thursday 14th December at 11 AM US EST