~ Sent to us by David Matuszak

My father bought the CJ-5 in 1969. Being the cosigner on the loan for my 1964 Ford Falcon Futura, he traded it in for the Jeep when I joined the Air Force. When my father died in 1983, I got the Jeep back. It became my someday project. When I had the time, I didn’t have the money. When I had the money, I didn’t have the time. A few years ago, I finally had some of both. I found a guy in Green Bay, Wisconsin to restore it for me. He had connections with people I knew, so I was comfortable with him. After two years of putting money into the project and getting a few pictures and promises, he died. I only found out about that when I stopped by his shop and found it empty. It took me awhile to find the missing pieces. I found Kelly Long. He is a special kind of guy. He was willing to take on my project. It kind of evolved from a simple restoration to a hotrod super Jeep.

- David Matuszak Kaiser Willys Jeep Blog Story – If you would like to share your Willys Jeep Story please send us a line. We’d love to meet your Jeep.
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