~ Sent to us by Dani Carter

My 1946 Willys CJ-2A is known as Mr Jeepy. I fell in love with him and took a 16 hour round trip from MA to PA to bring him home on Sept 2, 2020. I purchased his motor beforehand thinking, “let’s just slap a motor in it and call it a day”. Well, not as easy as it sounds! I spent a year collecting parts to get ready for the motor swap. Not too soon after putting a working motor in, a tree fell right on him, totaling his body and frame. It took another 2 years to do a frame off full restoration to get him back up and running. This summer June 2023 was the first time ever, taking it off roading on a group vintage Jeep trail ride in NH. No test run, no fixing the kinks beforehand. We went for it and it was amazing. We are still restoring and fixing his issues to get him as close to running 100%. His entire restoration rebuild and updates are on instagram – and #rebuildingmrjeepy.

- Dani Carter Kaiser Willys Jeep Blog Story – If you would like to share your Willys Jeep Story please send us a line. We’d love to meet your Jeep.
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