~ Sent to us by Eddie Monger

This 1952 Willys M38 was originally bought by my Dad and restored to a point where it could be used as a daily driver and also for shows and re-enactments. After my dad had drove it as a daily for some years he then bought a new car to daily and the Jeep was kept on the driveway with our other classics until my brother bought it and replaced the engine in it as well as some other bits to it. After he owned it for a few years he then swapped it with a different classic that my dad had and the Jeep was then given to me as my first car as he promised. In my ownership I have repainted it and my dad helped me to fix the misfire that it had developed in time for my prom.

- Eddie Monger Kaiser Willys Jeep Blog Story – If you would like to share your Willys Jeep Story please send us a line. We’d love to meet your Jeep.
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