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HomeJeepsJeep Life with Jeep Momma: 60 Before 60 List

Jeep Life with Jeep Momma: 60 Before 60 List

Embracing the Simplicity of Life 

Simple Pleasures Make Life Beautiful

As I approach another milestone age, I find myself needing a reminder of the simple pleasures in life that make life beautiful. Sometimes we need reminders to shake up our routines. I have begun working on my « 60 Before 60 » list as well as my new bucket list. 

My 60 Before 60 list isn’t about grand adventures or extravagant feats. Instead, it’s a celebration of the everyday wonders that surround me – the things taken for granted. It’s a commitment to finding joy in the mundane, and nurturing the spirit of curiosity that resides inside of me. 

A journey of mindfulness, wonder and self-discovery. Embracing the simplicity of life and living in the present moment each and every day. 

  1. Treat myself monthly to brunch.
  2. 60 Days of Random Acts of Kindness.
  3. 60 Days of Gratitude making gratitude a habit.
  4. Design my own cocktail.
  5. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle.
  6. Work towards my ideal weight.
  7. Become Lutheran again.
  8.Drink a $100 bottle of wine.
  9. Attend a murder mystery dinner.
10. Self-Love & Self-Care Daily Awareness

Be a tourist in my own town – Visit 10 local museums & 10 new restaurants.
Be a tourist in my own state – Visit 20 sights in Wyoming
Try 10 new foods I have never tried. 



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